We hope that you're pleased with any purchase you've made or service you've received from uWatch, and that you'll never have reason to complain - but if there's something you're not happy with, we'd like you to tell us about it so that we can try to put matters right.
Contact us straight away giving as many details about the problem as possible.
Email: ng'at'
Tel: 01491 651229
Post: Mill Brook House, Caps Lane, Cholsey, OXON, OX10 9HF
Complaints handling
Complaints are to be recorded and monitored.
All actions in relation to complaints must be recorded on the complaints handling spreadsheet.
All complaints must be recorded immediately when they are received.
The complaint should be forwarded to the appropriate person in the company immediately for attention.
The customer must be informed of the proposed action and timings for resolution within 24 hours.
If there is likely to be a delay to the resolution of the complaint, the customer must be kept updated at 48hour intervals.