Care Monitoring
Remote care monitoring is all about knowing when routines are broken so you know you have to step in.
Mum is bedridden
- It's 9.30 am and I was expecting an alert to my phone as the carers should have been there by now.
- Yes, I’ve now received an alert but there has been limited activity since.
- Perhaps I need a picture to know what is going on?
The uWatch Cube is an alerting device. It will alert you to Your chosen activity within 40 seconds via an app alert, which can include a picture.
Mum lives on her own
At about 9.30 am Mum usually makes a cup of tea. Alert from a Cube in the kitchen tells you all is ok, and it would be OK to give her a call.
The alerts the Cube produces can be tailored exactly to your loved one’s routines so you are alerted only when necessary.
David from Southampton
“I have had a Cube now for 6 years and it's easy to say but it's saved mum’s life twice now by me simply knowing that no phone alert is bad news.
Me and my sister can’t be there all the time so we knew when to expect mum to be up and about and if we didn’t get an alert then we know the ball is in our court. However, one time she slept in after staying up late to watch the General Election so we were pleased to find there was no problem.
Now she is bedridden The Cube tells me the carers have arrived and when they left. Likewise with any other visitors coming through the front door.
The key is what it does can be changed as required.
I don’t really need it to be any more complicated than that, but sensors can be added later if the need arises which tell me where she has gone in the house.”
Want to know if Mum is up and about or if the carers arrived on time
The uWatch Cube will monitor any area of the house & up to 10 wireless sensors known as LoRa Tags. Tags can be named so when you receive an app alert you can identify where loved ones are.
You will receive peace of mind alerts showing your loved one is moving around their home.
Smart Cube can capture an image of a selected area when triggered and send the alert to your phone.
How does it work?
Tags are wireless sensors that connect to the Cube. Placed throughout the home the area a Cube monitors can be expanded.
Tags can be configured to control exactly what triggers them,
PIR - Motion in front of the sensor.
i.e placed in the kitchen facing the doorway to be triggered whenever mum enters to make her cup of tea
Shock – The sensor is moved or vibrates.
Placed on the front door will trigger every time the door opens/ closes letting you know the carers have arrived and left.
Other features
- Panic Button Tag. Customised with a push button, and when pressed an emergency alert will be sent to sound the Cube’s alarm in 7 seconds or an app alert in 40 seconds.
- Temperature Sensor. Cube can be configured with a low & high-temperature setting that will alert you to any issues with heating.
- Multiple people can choose to receive Cube alerts.
- System can expand to provide security.
If you would like to discuss your loved one’s requirements further, please contact a member of our team.